Superconducting and Cryogenic Structural Materials
Superconductivity and associated cryogenic structures provide the basis of advanced technological programmes involving superconducting generators, large-scale accelerators and nuclear magnetic resonance equipment for medical diagnosis. In order to exploit the results from such programmes, standards for reliable property measurement on superconducting and cryogenic structural materials were needed.
The TWA focused its early activities on coordinating existing work in cooperative Japanese/US programmes and those underway in Europe by initiating round robin tests for measuring critical current in superconducting Nb-Sn multi-filamentary wires. The objectives of this and subsequent activities was the establishment of reliable measurement techniques leading to the development of standards.
With the discovery of high temperature superconductivity and the realisation that pre-standards research was required in this important area, a dedicated TWA was appropriate and thus TWA 6 was divided into two new areas:
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